I am a naturally raunchy person, I can take it from def con 1 to def con 5 in a matter of seconds with the appropriate audience. My friends know this, my hubbo knows this, shit even my mother knows this. Here is my dilemma. Becoming a mom has changed a lot at how I look and react to the world , I can still be erratic and hairbrained but the caring side has truly become the more dominant. I am usually 100% myself, however I tend to edit according to the situation and the crowd I am in front of. If you don't think I'm funny or am a little too much to handle, chances are you have on MOM jeans and you're rockin' a scrunchy. But where and to what degree does the raunch fit in, in the Mom world?
When I am reading some of the other Twilight blogs, their humor truly rocks my socks and makes me laugh so hard I could spit soda across the room...its like my own personal brand of heroin ( ha) I want to chime in so bad with some of the sick nastiest shit you have ever read, so vulgar it might possibly leave you maimed physically. But, I censor.
So my question is, Should I turn it up a notch or turn it down?
Rated R - let that raunchy lady rule your blog. I NEVER want to hear any crap about you rocking any sort of scrunchie an/or high waisted jeans. Not on my watch...
Listen - I've know you for the majority of my life, well the part of my life that I'm not too embarrassed to think back on... Anyway, since day one - you have made me laugh my face off and still continue to do so to this day. In fact, it is rare I go a single day without needing some of your humor to keep me from flinging myself off a cliff... So never mind about this nonsense of whether or not you need to be true to yourself, think about me and all the others out there that rely on your perverse sense of humor and do it for us. Stop being so damn selfish. And don't worry about the caring mommy stuff, unless you plan on reading your entries to your little ones at bedtime - it's a moot point.
So... in conclusion... KEEP IT R! Are you clear on my vote?
Do it! Let it rip..... R all the way! I say, if the kids ain't reading the blog, why the fuck do you need to censor it??
go for it. i can handle you!
ps I am wearing neither mom jeans nor a scrunchie.
If you're going to do this, you need to go balls out.
I'm all about the raunchy! Girlfriend, you're just blogging what we all are thinking but don't have the balls to put out there!
Balls to the Wall Mutha' Trucka'! :)
If you are really "Out" of the Twilight Closet..You know what you need to do for YOU (and the rest of us really). So take a cue from the Gay Anthem and shout out I am what I am...
let er rip..if you stay PG13 we just might have to eye roll you! Fuck that!
So tell us what could be in our "R" future..give us a hint. we all want more!
Well, with such a huge turn out of votes... Ive decided to keep it "R"
rated and start really tearin shit up!
I vote R.
No scrunchy, but I am fairly certain I have mom jeans, or would those be capris?
MOm jeans are the ones that are high wasted, and you have never worn them!
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