I can handle a lot, a light saber to the head when my 4 year old is pissed, no problem. A full on meltdown in the supermarket from not one but both kids, bring it, I'll eat that shit for dinner....but what I can't deal well with are blasphemous comments made about our favorite vamp. Things like Robert Pattinson is a "pussy diet coke drinking vampire" That came from Stephan Moyer aka Bill ( sexy vamp)Compton on True Blood. Watch it Bill, Ill stake your ass.
So, last week I had drinks with some friends and handed over my DVD of Twilight. Now, T-Rex had just finished the 1st book, and had never seen RSexy...EVER. Just reading Twilight and not having a clue who Robert Pattinson is....the combo is unimaginable, almost unheard of .....I mean I think would have better luck running into Gargamel and Smurfette than knowing a real life RSexy/Twi-virgin.
I am like a kid in the candy store, I honestly can't wait to see her drop trow as soon as she sees his face. So here is the pic I show her, and here is her reaction.....
"Oh, he isn't that cute at ALL, they are right on time with Bella, but he doesn't do anything for me, sorry!"
I contemplated getting jumper cables out of the car because maybe her vagina needed a jump start or something. She wasn't making any sense. Her vagina MUST be asleep, right? Man, was I bummed....talk about anti climatic, that was equivalent of watching porn and your vibrator runs out of batteries.
Don't say sorry to me ...go to confession for the blasphemous comments you made, you Antichrist. She doesn't think RSexy is good looking? WHAT? I'm pretty sure most people think he is a God of some sort, and am also certain most females have diddled the skittle more than once to Robert Pattinson. She was not impressed at all. Not even enough to watch the movie when she got home from our Mom's night out.
And, a week later she still hasn't watched it...I have no words.